Lock up your devices in a quality Home Safe

Lock up your devices in a quality Home Safe
Did you know that the average Australian home has approximately 17 connected devices? That can include smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, TVs, ipods ….. and this number is growing.
According to Ben Green from Schneider Electrics the number of connected devices in the home is going to rise to 37 per household as early as 2022. Voice activated devices and equipment will be amongst the growing factor as new technology continues to evolve our every day lives.
As the amount of devices grows for each member of the household we need to ensure these costly items are protected and locked away safely. Within the average modern Australian family, it is likely that each member has 3-5 personal devices.
Locking away these expensive items in a quality residential safe is the best way to protect from theft. Not only break-ins, but with frequent visitors to a household whether it be service people or acquaintances it’s a smart move to protect items from vulnerable situations.
Another great benefit of a home safe is to store devices away from children and teenagers during restriction times. Most parents would totally agree here!
Aus Safes is Australia’s largest suppliers of quality residential safes. Cash rated safes offer a higher level of protection against attack from the basic model you will see on the shelves at a hardware store. So, be mindful of the security level the safe will provide.
Aus Safes only sell quality safes with trusted guarantees. When selecting your safe you need to take into account what will be stored in the safe now and in the future. The Burg Wachter Combi-Line is a quality home safe that will provide a cash rating of $10,000. For higher level of protection the Urban from Platinum Safes offers a $20,000 cash rating.
The extended range of safes for sale at Aus Safes will provide hundreds of options from only trusted brands and manufacturers. They’ll provide expert advice and can professionally install your safe. Call them today on 1800 15 16 15 or visit www.aussafes.com.au to buy a home safe with confidence.